
Shocking: Woman sets her husband up and runs away with her UK lover and 1 child.

Husband gets set up by wife as she travels to the UK with her lover.

A married man who did not put his identity out shares his ordeal on how his wedded wife ran away with his child to the UK to live with her lover. The story was shared by a Twitter (X) user.

An unidentified man who stays in Edo state of Nigeria says he left to work one day and returned to his home with his wife and son not being around. Their clothes and other accessories were still in touch making him think his family was going to come back home.

As at 10:30 pm, there were still no signs of his family so he contacted the police together with his parents. The security man of the estate was questioned if he saw those two leave which he replied No. Shortly after, the family of the missing wife were informed and this was were things took a turn.

The young man was accused of using his wife for rituals and that was why there was no sign of her. He was then taken to the police station because videos of his wife being abused by him surfaced online. In the video, the wife was seen crying as she had bruises all over and she said her husband did that to her. His business among other things were put on hold.

He was later on pronounced not guilty and that was when the truth unfolded. A close friend of his who lived in the UK met his wife in a grocery shop one day and took pictures of her and sent them to her husband. He now realized he was set up.

The wife’s family and security man who initially denied seeing her were all part of the plan. They were all later arrested and the wife is being said to come back to Nigeria were she will also be arrested for faking her own death. She’s said to have 2 children now as she travelled while still pregnant.

Her husband wants to revenge on her and her entire family as he says he’s been disgraced. For more details, read the original tweet in the blog provided below.


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