
Remarkable Journey: Afronita leaves DWP after 6 years, DWP announces.

Afronita quits Dance With a Purpose

Young and Vibrant Dancer, Afronita bids farewell to the famous dance group Dance With a Purpose after 6 years of being in the team. The beautiful 20 year old joined the dance Academy in the year 2018.

She has done so well for herself from improving her abilities, increasing her social media presence and finally bringing in new recruits. However, the public started questioning her membership with DWP after they found their profile missing from hers.


No answer was given to confirm whether she had left or not. Dance With A Purpose however have released a communique stating that beautiful Afronita is no longer a part of their team. They assure Ghanaians that she leaving the team is no big deal because one of their major aims is to train individuals to help the society.

Seeing she’s been successful, Dance with a Purpose and the whole crew are happy about her decision and wish her all the best.


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